The state of OAI-PMH repositories in Canadian Universities

TitleThe state of OAI-PMH repositories in Canadian Universities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsPiedboeuf, F., G. Le Berre, D. Alfonso-Hermelo, O. Charbonneau, and P. Langlais
JournalInternational Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
Date Publishedjan 31
Keywordscanada, digital scholarship, EDT, electronic thesis and dissertation, institutional repositories, metadata, OAI-PMH protocol, scholarly communication, universities
AbstractThis article presents a study of the current state of Universities Institutional Repositories (UIRs) in Canada. UIRs are vital to sharing information and documents, mainly Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETDs), and theoretically allow anyone, anywhere, to access the documents contained within the repository. Despite calls for consistent and shareable metadata in these repositories, our literature review shows inconsistencies in UIRs, including incorrect use of metadata fields and the omission of crucial information, rendering the systematic analysis of UIR complex. Nonetheless, we collected the data of 57 Canadian UIRs with the aim of analyzing Canadian data and to assess the quality of its UIRs. This was surprisingly difficult due to the lack of information about the UIRs, and we attempt to ease future collection efforts by organizing vital information which are difficult to find, starting from addresses of UIRs. We furthermore present and analyze the main characteristics of the UIRs we managed to collect, using this dataset to create recommendations for future practitioners.
Refereed DesignationRefereed
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